Poster Template
Title (Verdana 54 pt, centered, bold)
First name Last name1, First name Last name2 and First name Last name3,* (Franklin Gothic Medium 53 pt)
1Affiliation 1, 2Affiliation 2 (Arial 44 pt)
INTRODUCTION (Arial Narrow, bold, 50pt, )
Introduction Includes the briefly state the objectives of the study in a broad context; highlight the aim or purpose of the study; describe the main materials and methods used; and also summarize the main results of the research and indicate the conclusions or interpretations (Arial Narrow, bold, 39pt ).
MATERIAL & METHODS ( Arial Narrow, bold, 50pt )
…….(Arial Narrow, 39pt ).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ( Arial Narrow, bold, 50pt )
……. (Arial Narrow, 39pt )
Figures and Tables (Arial Narrow, bold, 39pt )
Fundings: (Arial Narrow, bold, 40pt )
Poster Size: 115x 85 cm
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2023-12-18 Poster Template.pdf
끂212 1.9 MB
Sanrui Agritec Co., LTD., Wuyuan, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, China
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